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Herefordshire Means Business Hereford Expo

So, the cat is out of the bag! Part 1 of 2 blogs…

We’ve been given two fantastic opportunities by Rich and his team from Herefordshire Means Business and the Herefordshire Business Awards.

Herefordshire Means Business Hereford Expo

On May 9th, we’ll be exhibiting at the Herefordshire Means Business Hereford Expo. Not only this, but Chris has been invited to speak at the event and we’re silver sponsors too! At 2:15pm – 2:45pm Chris is speaking about ‘Micro Moments, Search Intent & The Changing Landscape of Google’.

If you came to our Small Biz 100 event we held ourselves back in November last year, you’ll have an idea of what this is about. Since then, we developed this talk to make it even more applicable to the Herefordshire business network. We encourage everyone within the Herefordshire business community (and even farther afield if you’re interested?) to learn some valuable insights into the ever-changing digital world and customer behaviour. It doesn’t matter what sector your business is in, there will be something applicable to you that we hope you’ll action or give some thought to. In brief, here’s what we’ll be covering:

Who is it for?

Businesses looking to understand and expand their knowledge of their online presence gaining further understanding of their customer journey process

What will I learn?

What is search intent and how it affects their business

Customer journey profile

Understanding schema data (technical SEO) and how it affects your business

We live and breathe this. We have a passion for this. Not to sound awful here but we’re also good at it! We guarantee that there are some things you maybe already doing – maybe even without realising, so we’ll be explaining how to capitalise on this. In addition to this, we hope that you’ll learn a thing or two and apply it to your business.

Our goal isn’t to tout for business, there’s no agenda.

All we want to do is help the business community. As a county in general, we feel we’re lagging behind other counties in some areas and we just want to do our bit to encourage and embrace your digital presence and understand the customer journey. If you can do this, we assure the benefits will become quickly apparent. We’re all about championing this county and the businesses within it.

For those who attend our talk, we will have a comprehensive booklet to accompany the talk for each of you. This compliments the talk Chris will be giving so no need to take notes! Just take a load off, sit down, enjoy Chris’ infectious enthusiasm and let the literature fill in any blanks you may have. As mentioned, our goal isn’t to leave you bamboozled or unsure.

It’s about giving YOU information to help YOUR business.

The only catch is you’ll have to stay to listen in order to get the accompanying literature – sorry – it’s a marketing thing!

However, in the 30 minutes we will only scratch the surface. BUT we are confident there’s enough to get you going. Conscious of our limited time slot, we’d be happy to answer any questions afterwards. We appreciate it is the end of the day, you’re probably tired and exhausted plus all networked-out, so we’re not going to try and sell you anything. It will be the end of the day, so just come, chill out and even if you don’t think you’d be interested or even learn anything – you will!

Google and digital marketing has many facets. This is just one. However, it is an important one. If you sell products or a service in particular you’ll find some valuable insights within the talk. It could be the most valuable 30 minutes you’ll spend so far this year.

If you can’t make the talk itself, there will be a little something in the goody bags from us too. So, we encourage you to get involved in the Herefordshire Means Business Hereford Expo, whether you’re a visitor or exhibitor, make some connections and help grow the business community and put our county on the map.

To book your free visitor tickets or to book on as an exhibitor at the Herefordshire Means Business Hereford Expo – click here.