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Micro Biz Matters Day (#MicroBizMattersDay) 2019

Micro Biz Matters Day (#MicroBizMattersDay) 2019

We can’t be in Hull today to celebrate with the gang on #MicroBizMattersDay 2019, but we do have a decent offering nonetheless!

As you probably know by now, we were one of Small Business Saturday’s #SmallBiz100 2018. On our designated ‘day’, we helped other businesses by putting on 2 talks about SEO For Beginners and Micro Moments, Search Intent & The Changing Landscape of Google. As digital marketers, we were sharing our knowledge to help other businesses.

So, today, on #MicroBizMattersDay, we’ll be doing the same. If one person can take away one snippet of information and implement it, we’ll be happy! Hopefully what we have to offer will reach a lot more. We’ll have to wait and see!

First up, our first talk was on SEO For Beginners. We did this as some micro and small businesses are reluctant to get into digital marketing. Perhaps from a previous bad experience or just not understanding how it can help. Not having a tangible end product often puts people off and they ask,

Where is my money going?

So, we’ve put together what we believe is a priceless blog on how you can get your SEO (search engine optimisation) going, so you can understand the value as you see things happening that you’ve done. Obviously there is a lot more to our job than that, it’s literally the snowflake on the tip of the iceberg – but it’s a start! You can read our blog ‘SEO For Beginners here.

We also have some little booklets we made. If you’d like one, get in touch and we’ll mail one out to you, free of charge of course!

MicroBizMattersDay - SEO For Beginners Booklet

We’ll be tweeting 11 of these informational snippets for #IGave11 too, so they’ll be impossible to miss!

If you find anything from it useful, please tweet us or Facebook us, we’d love to hear from you and your journey.

Next up, we’d like to point you in the direction of our YouTube channel. Here, we’ve uploaded our talk on Micro Moments, Search Intent & The Changing Landscape of Google. It’s over an hour long, but if you have the time, please do give it a watch. There are some really interesting insights that we feel benefit everyone running a business, regardless of what that business is.

What we offered back in November was really well received by all who attended. So, we want to reach out to more of you who could also benefit from it. We are a small / micro business and we know how to help other businesses.

So, enjoy our offerings and as we said, if you find anything useful, tweet of Facebook us and let us know!

Have a great #MicroBizMattersDay everyone!