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What Mobile Technology Means For Us

Having a website used to mean having a live advert for your business available to anyone at anytime. Anyone at anytime at a computer that is. Now it is literally anyone at anytime anywhere with the addition of mobile technology.

You’ll no doubt find yourself browsing the web more than likely on your mobile phone than a tablet but either will be a more accessible option and alternative to a desktop computer. It is imperative that anyone with a website recognises this and acknowledges the need for a responsive website as technology now makes us expect mobile ready sites. Nobody likes to pinch zoom and swipe to read content. Same applies to emails, especially marketing emails.

One important feature that mobile sites offer is the all important contact button. Mobile technology enables you to click ‘call us’ on a website and your mobile phone will connect to the number (if you’re lucky enough to capture enough of an interest that is!). It used to be that on a computer you’d click contact us, you’d find the number, pick up your phone and call. Now it’s button > call. Simple. Uncomplicated. A step up from desktop sites where you can submit a contact form or click ’email us’ and this would bring up your email to enter your message. Efficiency and simplicity is what mobile technology means to us. Fancy sites are too convoluted to navigate. Sites have to be stripped down to almost their bare bones. It’s an art to create a fantastic mobile site that’s as easy to navigate as it is great to look at. Nearly 40% of time spent on the internet is on mobile devices – read more here.
