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Sunshine Pride Award Finalist

Chris has been nominated for the Sunshine Pride Award of Entrepreneur / Business of the Year & is one of the three finalists!

The Sunshine Pride Award ceremony is in its third year now. For those of you who don’t know him, he works tirelessly both in & outside of work. He is involved with  numerous endeavours. Whether it is for the benefit of the business, his family, friends, Belmont Wanderers FC or the community as a whole. Impressive, as running a business is not just a 9am-5pm job. To successfully juggle all this with a young family as well deserves some recognition.

Winning the award for Growing Business of the Year at the Herefordshire Business Awards proves that despite all hurdles, set-backs and the day-to-day challenges of running a business, he is committed to growing the business further.

Chris’s job at The DM Lab is solely to help grow other business through brilliant marketing. As our clients grow enables us to grow so by working together benfits everyone involved. Both he & the business deserve the accolade of Entrepreneur / Business of the Year as it is not just himself that benefits from what he does. so do businesses, sports clubs, communities & the county as a whole, benefits from his successes, exploits & efforts.

He is incredibly pleased and humbled at being nominated & becoming a finalist. The Sunshine Pride Award for Entrepreneur / Business of the Year is a huge accolade. This alone makes the long days seem even more rewarding, that his efforts are noticed & well received.

Thank you for considering the nomination, & shortlisting him as a finalist he is very worthy & he is also so grateful!

PS, he did not write this, that would be incredibly weird & self-indulgent, I (Dale) did! As a business partner & friend I’ve seen first-hand what he does, and I’m stoked for him. He’s alright! Well done Chris & we look forward to attending the awards night!