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Our Top Ten Scary Movies!

Top Ten Scary Movies

We’ve put together a list of our top 10 scary movies for Halloween. Yes some classics may have been missed out but we could only put 10 in but we could have easily compiled a top 100!

  1. The Exorcist
  2. Halloween
  3. Alien
  4. Deadbirds
  5. The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
  6. Dawn Of The Dead (2004)
  7. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974 / 2003)
  8. Insidious
  9. Nightmare On Elm Street
  10. Friday The 13th

We are huge fans of those dodgy, straight-to-DVD ‘horror’ releases too. They aren’t brilliant, but we love them! If you know of any we might like, tweet us or Facebook us, you may have some gems we’ve missed! We’re keen to see ‘The Babadook’ following ‘Annabelle’.

Leave a comment below we would love to hear what your all time scary movies are, we’ll share them on social media!