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An Unfortunate Mistake or a Cunning Stunt?

Making the news today is Aldi’s Gourmet Crackers.

Aldi, I’m sure they’re lovely, but the crackers themselves aren’t the things in question…It’s the packaging. Spot the…um…error?

Country garden

Yes it’s amusing, but we’re not offended.

Was it a genuine mistake? I mean if somebody proofed the design, surely it would have been picked up sooner? As a designer, you’re always trying to make even the most mundane design as interesting as possible in ways that regular peeps wouldn’t think of. Difficult thing is here is they simply tried to ‘jazz up’ text by mixing up lower case and upper case letters within the font set. A noble effort. It works I suppose, but the selected letters, intentionally or not, spell out a particular naughty word.


The graphic designer is either laughing his socks off or is squirming in a pool of his / her own sweat as if Aldi opted to would redesign and repackage the crackers. Lawsuit and money comes into play then. Like we said, we’re not offended. Somewhere in the chain somebody had seen the design and approved it. Who does the responsibility lie with? The designer or the Aldi management? Could point fingers and play the blame game but at the end of day, what’s done is done. If it offends you, ignore it and don’t buy them!


We understand the pressure and the process involved in packaging / product design. Take a look at what we’ve produced for a local sports nutrition brand:

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