The DM Lab - UK Leading Digital Marketing Agency

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Are You Using Google Posts?

If you blog regularly for your website, you’ll love Google Posts.

But if you hate blogging, you’ll also love Google Posts!

However, if you’re not using Google Posts, then now is as good a time as any to start using them. They’re so easy and simple to use! We’ll talk you through how to do it and suggestions of what to post. They don’t have to be novels, which, if you hate blogging, is ideal. If you love to blog, then link to your posts by posting a snippet on Google Posts. Best of both worlds!

To start, ensure you’re logged in and have access to your ‘Google My Business’ page. If you search for your business you’ll see the options to the left of the Knowledge Panel.

Google Posts on a search page

All you gotta do is hit ‘Create post’.

Google Posts on Your Business on Google

You’ll be redirected to this page where you can start creating your post.

Goggle Post creator

Google recommends 100-300 words, so no need to go nuts as only a snippet of this appears within the Knowledge Panel. You can always link to a blog or page by including a button.

Adding a button to your Google Post

One of the most important aspects of a Google Post is the inclusion of an image. It’s an odd one as the image displays differently on desktops and mobile devices.

We’ve created a template below that works for us

Google Post Image Size Template

As you will notice, the full image is only displayed when you click through to read the post in full. Otherwise the grey band is the main focus of the image, so keep the main of your photo or artwork within this space.

Below is a screenshot of our latest posts to illustrate this

Google POsts on Mobile Devices

And in case you wanted to see it, here’s the latest photo in our most recent post to show how it appears and the full, uncropped image.

Sample Google Post Image

Hit Publish, give it a minute then your post will display in your Knowledge Panel. There is no end to what you can post about. We use it as a news feed for The DM Lab. Anything that is going on, regardless of it’s nature, we post about! There’s always something going on worth posting about if you’re running a business, so get stuck in!

Here’s a quick view of our Google Posts: