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Case Study: The Steppes Bed & Breakfast

Case Study: The Steppes Bed & Breakfast

When jobs go well, they’re great.


Steppes Bed & Breakfast was a superb example of our processes and executions all working hand in hand to result in a successful project.

Steppes Bed & Breakfast project was underway. We always state when starting a web development project that the time frame will be 4-8 weeks. 4 weeks if we’re all lucky enough to read off the same page from the get go, 8+ weeks if there are creative differences, communication issues or sometimes if it’s just a big project, unrealistically achievable within this time frame.

We started The Steppes web development project on February 27th.

Our brief for Steppes Bed & Breakfast was to create a website, refresh the logo and in conjunction with this general facelift, design a DL flyer to advertise the accommodation.

We asked Lin what sites she could find that she liked and it was a particularly interesting project as Lin did not want a general, old fashioned (typical) website for the Steppes. Fortunately for us this meant taking the lead and giving Lin both a website that she liked while being a powerful sales tool for The Steppes.

Our initial concept was almost perfect (fortunately!) so we were able to progress into developing the site without delay.

Lin embraced the way we work using Basecamp, which our ISO processes and management accreditation is based on.

The DM Lab team plus Lin were added to our online project management tool and everyone was able to keep up with the seamless progress of the project. Emails are great, phone calls are great, meetings are great, but the beauty of Basecamp is accessible to whoever whenever it suits them. Points can be actioned as and when without being missed. Sometimes during a telephone call instructions can be misinterpreted, or worst case, forgotten unless they are immediately actioned. Emails are great but if a member of the team is not copied in – they miss out. Meetings need to be arranged to suit all parties. Following the meeting the minutes are typed up. Points raised need addressing by specific members. Problem with this? Time.

Lin runs a bed and breakfast. She is a busy person. Jobs need doing, timings are unpredictable and when there is a business to run, it’s difficult to determine when there will be time for a meeting that suits everyone. If Lin had a question or request – she Basecamped it. We acknowledged it. We actioned it.

It was such a seamless, efficient and successful process that was worth writing about. It takes very little effort to understand and work Basecamp. Lin used it flawlessly. Early in the project we were given a deadline of March 20th to produce the DL flyer ready for Lin to use to promote The Steppes. This was designed in line with the brand ‘refresh’ of The Steppes’ website so everything worked together – online and offline.

The project was completed on March 16th. The flyer printed by Impact Print and the website is now Live. Using WordPress we can update the pages and add pages with ease should Lin need to in the future.

Thank you for working with us Lin and we hope the website becomes a real asset to The Steppes.