Making Brilliant Marketing Simple

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Does A BIG Company Need The DM Lab?

We pride ourselves on our work done and the clients we work with / have worked with. These range from small to medium enterprises. Whatever their size we achieve results. Initially, and sensibly, we started out working with very small companies, and in the 5 years we have been trading, have developed our skills enough to have the confidence to work with and achieve results for bigger businesses. Regular feedback from our clients ensures we continue to deliver results. The work we do got us thinking, big companies – would they consider us too small for their needs? Would they only look to employ the services of bigger agencies? Would they see it as a risk spending half as much of their marketing budget on a smaller company like ours? We don’t see it as a risk. More of an opportunity to show what we can do, whether you’re a small local business or a big business in a different part of the UK.

Our results speak for themselves. We could save big companies a lot of money and still deliver results they’d expect from a company 10x as big as ours, spending 10x as much on them. It does take time, we like to think that 3 months is a good time frame to see the results of all the processes we have put in place. This all depends on what you have in place already, but one thing is for sure, it doesn’t happen overnight.

So, the question still stands, do you have to be a big company to attract the big clients? We don’t think size matters (in this case, excuse the pun!). A smaller company will charge less, but if you’re like us, it’s not about making a fast buck, it’s about making an impression, and making a name for yourself. We would love to work with a big company to really show what we can do, at a fraction of the cost of a bigger, more established agency.

Remember, big things come in small packages!
