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Does Google Instant Affect SEO?

Google instant is like predictive text on a mobile phone – ANNOYING!!

Only you know what you are typing and searching for. To be second guessed by a machine is distracting and unbeneficial. I would hope that Google understands that time and effort goes into blogging. In order to promote oneself or one’s business to be recognized by Google. As with everything, you should have to work to be recognized. Google Instant may (or in my opinion, will have) and adverse effect on all the hard work put in by millions of people on search engine optimisation. It may be useful to Joe Public. But as a business, your position and work you have put in regarding Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) will be void. As Google Instant will undoubtedly turn searching for businesses a ‘lucky lottery’.

A ‘lucky lottery’?

This may mean hundreds of thousands of business changing their names to work with Google Instant. I enjoy blogging, but there will be no call for this. Should Google Instant replace completely how Google’s search function currently operates. All the hard work put in to rank yourself will be work undone. Ultimately this will have a dramatic impact on the internet as a whole. Blogging will slow down and stop. Opinions and techniques won’t be shared through blogging. The blogging community as a whole will disappear. There are a lot of us! Whether it does affect SEO remains to be seen. Let’s just hope that SEO and Google Instant can work hand in hand. Like I said, not turn searching into a lucky lottery!