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Digital marketing has been something our agency started working with over 7 years ago. Quickly realising that so many companies were having websites developed but had no idea on the best route to market. Not knowing the best way to get those all important leads or sales. This is where we could see how multi-channel marketing […]
Speculative SEO Work Came across this found on Adweek. Originally published almost a year ago by Zulu Alpha Kilo. Still very relevant today and still very relevant to us in the design and digital marketing field. Some quotes that ring true came mostly from the personal trainer on the video: “We start providing our services from […]
As a design and digital marketing agency we offer a range of services all under one roof. Using a marketing agency means you have a developer, marketer, designer and copywriter at your disposal. All the while paying a set retainer fee means anything you need we cater for. No need to spend time yourself outsourcing […]
Our goal as a business is help promote your business. Ever heard of Micro-Moments? If you sell a product then you definitely should and we urge you to read on! It’s difficult as we don’t offer a product – it’s a service. It’s often difficult to pay for something you don’t hold, but what we […]
Christmas is fast approaching, it’s getting colder, it’s getting darker – but how’s business? If your SEO, AdWords campaign, email marketing or social media presence could do with a little injection of science from us here at The DM Lab, then now is the time to get in touch. Hopefully your summer has resulted in […]
In a nutshell……This is us!
Hello and welcome to 2015! Thought we’d kick off the week back with a good question – is using one of The DM Lab’s services alone worthless? If you land on our homepage, you will see we have different buttons for different services: Social Media Email Marketing SEO Analytics Adwords Training Inbound Marketing. Every single […]
Is it necessary to be on page 1 of Google? Let’s face it. If you’re on page 1 of Google for whatever you do, then you’re either super lucky or are at legendary status in digital marketing and SEO. Question is, is it the be all and end all to be on the first page of […]
For those of us in the know, the term ‘content strategy’ is no stranger to us. We’ve been using it to devise an effective marketing content strategy for years. However, now, it’s become popular with online businesses big and small. Word has spread about how a great content can increase conversions and make your visitors […]
An insight into SEO with Rand Fishkin We are pleased to say that recently through some fortunate events we had the pleasure of speaking with Rand Fishkin. Rand Fishkin is well respected within the SEO industry, with a list of accolades and achievements. Rand Fishkin is the CEO of SEO software company; Moz. He co-authored the […]
It is quite normal for people to be asking what is involved in SEO. We thought we would put something together to give an insight to the world of internet marketing and SEO. Business Objectives This for us is the one of the most important steps in developing a successful SEO or internet marketing strategy, […]
We are a search engine optimisation (SEO) company We love working with businesses to improve their rankings within search engines by search engine optimisation (SEO). Optimisation and SEO are huge areas of work for many companies. However very often we come across companies who don’t have a budget. Either that or don’t want to invest […]
A new year’s resolution? Do you and / or your business’s have a new year’s resolution? Is it to take your advertising or corporate image to the next level? We can and want, to help! A new year means a fresh start, so why not consider our services? We offer dynamic design capabilities, whether you […]
Our marketing strategy to date has been slow, but in no way laborious! Your marketing strategy is more important than making money. Without it, you won’t make any! The reason for this is we began trading with a small client base of referrals from one another. This proved invaluable. We didn’t need not worry about […]
Can having a website help boost visibility for small businesses? Yes, without a doubt. It’s like having an advert available to anyone and everyone. Accessible to anyone anywhere! The way we promote this is that although, initially, a website costs more than an ad in a local paper. That’s all the paper is – local. […]
Google instant is like predictive text on a mobile phone – ANNOYING!! Only you know what you are typing and searching for. To be second guessed by a machine is distracting and unbeneficial. I would hope that Google understands that time and effort goes into blogging. In order to promote oneself or one’s business to […]
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