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First things first – a responsive website is one that ‘responds’ to the size of the device it is being viewed on. With the increasing popularity of mobile phones and tablets, a responsive website could make or break a potential sale. Why you ask? Have you been on a website you are familiar with on […]
Traditional Art Leads to Digital Art? Digital Art has the same beginnings for everyone. I started creating artwork with a humble pencil and paper Developing onto watercolours and acrylic paint.Culminating in what I consider the most accomplished form of traditional art, oil painting. Technology and software continued to develop. I found myself creating art […]
Design Tools of the Trade Digital artwork requires design, creativity, imagination, direction and a relatively decent PC or Mac. I prefer, and always have since my time at university, a PC. It was a bit cheaper for a start! That’s all you would ever need to become a successful designer. Traditional methods of design and […]