The DM Lab - UK Leading Digital Marketing Agency

Making Brilliant Marketing Simple

Call Us: 01432 607 660


Excelling in Multi-Channel Marketing

Digital marketing has been something our agency started working with over 7 years ago. Quickly realising that so many companies were having websites developed but had no idea on the best route to market. Not knowing the best way to get those all important leads or sales. This is where we could see how multi-channel marketing could be an asset.

Along the DM Lab journey we have spent time developing our multi-channel marketing skills. Achieving qualifications and knowledge of various other aspects of multi-channel digital marketing. One of our main areas of focus has been SEO. An area where we find it more beneficial to educate clients in this area. Not just selling them a service that another business had more than likely done poorly in the past. We work very closely with clients to give them a better understanding. How blended marketing strategies that encapsulates SEO can truly get results. This will include customer behaviours, conversion optimisation, UX design and much more. We might even throw in a keyword or two. Sorry, that’s me being a little sarcastic. What I really mean is we take time to better understand your business objectives and guide you through a process that is very results focused both offline and online.

The DM Lab work with clients from all over the UK and internationally. With multi-channel marketing budgets into the millions. Locations such as:

  • London
  • Hereford
  • Newcastle
  • Milton Keynes
  • Denmark
  • Germany
  • Cardiff
  • Birmingham

As a company, this is something we are very proud of considering our humble beginnings.

Google Partner Agency

When working with clients we get asked to do anything from social media to design or from strategy to conversion, or all of the above. Google adwords has been area that we also began almost 7 years ago, achieving Google Partner status specialising in Search. We believe we are one of the only actual Google Partners from and based in Hereford, again an accolade to be proud of.

What does this mean to you?

Well it means we work hard again to stay up to date with how paid platforms from Google can help businesses, from Dynamic ads to shopping ads or remarketing to ad extensions, things that people hear of but may not fully understand.  It also demonstrates that we work within a certain spend not just small £50 campaigns (although we have done), we have clients that are into the millions on their spend and many in the several thousands. To even be considered for these sort of budgets, we must have some creditability and knowledge of marketing, well I ll leave you the reader to ponder that. If your not convinced yet, give us a call, drop us an email spend 30 minute talking to us and I m sure you will see the passion, expertise and excitement come oozing out.

The DM Lab, excelling in multi-channel marketing!