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Category: Blog

Today is the day Marty McFly arrives when he travels to the future. After today, Back To The Future will take place entirely in the past!

We entered a local competition where we had the chance to win some wall art based on our entry submission. The competition was held by local sign writers Sign-Rite who we know through various channels (Facebook, Twitter etc) so we thought ‘Why not? Let’s have a bash!’ Guess what? We won! This was our entry […]

Ever since I first heard, many moons ago, that there was going to be another Battlefront game I have been excited. I and II were great, loved the space battles and since the launch of the PS4 (I’m writing this as a fan and owner of a PS4 – guess it all applies to XBox […]

Simon Sinek We really admire SImon Sinek. We love his thinking and his logic – Start WIth Why. This particular quote rings true with us and probably many others who run their own business. Yes some things are stressful, granted (mainly the administrative and accounting side of running a business) but the actual work is […]

This weekend saw the arrival of the Herefordshire Festival of Sport. Having an event like this so local to us we grabbed the opportunity to take part with both hands! Team DM Lab opted for the 40km ride on Saturday and the half marathon on the Sunday. The ride was a lovely route round the […]

On Sunday 6th September, our Visual Scientist Dale took part in the Cardiff 10k. Celebrating its 30th year, the Cardiff 10k is one of the top 10k road races in the UK. The route around the city centre and through the parks attracts a lot of local support as well as attracting some top athletes […]

Making the news today is Aldi’s Gourmet Crackers. Aldi, I’m sure they’re lovely, but the crackers themselves aren’t the things in question…It’s the packaging. Spot the…um…error? Yes it’s amusing, but we’re not offended. Was it a genuine mistake? I mean if somebody proofed the design, surely it would have been picked up sooner? As a […]

As today is burger day, thought we’d share with you our burger recipe. Spread Dijon mustard on each half of a wholegrain bun. Why mustard? A replacement for butter – one teaspoon of Dijon mustard will net you 5 calories as well as giving the burger a kick. Add rinsed and drained sauerkraut (this reduces the […]

We are now the proud sponsors of Belmont Wanderers FC U11 boys team! Great for the club and great for us, gets our brand out there – in case you still haven’t heard of us! If your business is interested in a sponsorship opportunity with the club, check out their website here.  

This year has seen our Lab Rats here at The DM Lab tackle loads of new things for the first time. We’ve always had an interest in health and fitness outside of work, but 2015 saw us step up our game and train toward initially an Ironman 70.3 (half an Ironman distance – 1.2 mile […]

On Saturday (15th) Team DM Lab took on the Wiggle Cotswolds Sportive. Only taking on the short 40 mile route (as we had the Race4Men in Gloucester on the Sunday so didn’t want to be too over ambitious!) it still wasn’t an easy ride. Starting and finishing at Cheltenham Racecourse, the route took us around […]

Yesterday (Saturday 15th August) Chris and Dale took part in the Wiggle Cotswolds Sportive, tackling a gruelling 40 mile short course and today one half of Team DM Lab (Dale) took part in the Race4Men in Gloucester – a male version of the Race For Life to raise funds and awareness for Cancer Research UK. […]

So, we’re super excited about this even though it’s a long way off, but the trailer looks absolutely AWESOME. Check it out for yourself here: *PS it is the Red band trailer so not child friendly – but this just makes it MORE awesome!

Did you know we’ve been around for over 6 years now?! We haven’t had much involvement in the local market. There are bigger, more established businesses around. Rather than compete, we worked with businesses outside of the county to help establish ourselves. It’s worked for us. We’ve grown steadily and learned a lot. Just before […]

Happy Birthday to a real hero of ours, the Austrian Oak, the Terminator, the legend that is Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Brief: develop a new, modern and responsive website. Pete came to us needing a fresh, new and modern website. To showcase his fitted kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms. Aware of the need for a responsive website, we built the new look site with this and mind. The primary role of the site was to be able […]

We’ve only got into cycling recently, like as in the last 2 / 3 months so we’ve been following the Tour De France more closely now we have a better appreciation for the riders and the grueling routes! We’ve got a few sportives under our belts now, The Brewood Cycle Challenge, Tour D’arts Clun Sportive […]

On Sunday July 19th the Lab Rats of Team DM Lab took part in another challenge – this time something different from running – we took part in the St Michael’s Hospice Wheelie Big Cycle 2015! It’s great to support a local charity like St Michael’s Hospice by doing something we’re fairly new at but […]

Branding is a reactionary process. If you’re not reacting to what’s going on around you then you’re doing something wrong. Of course, there’s a fine line between being trendy and trying too hard, but luckily there is actually a pretty logical explanation for what’s trendy. Just a tip, no one should be saying ‘trendy’… A […]

Today is both Moon Day and Space Exploration Day. The vastness of space is something that interests us. There’s got to be something else out there besides us, right?!

The Rugby World Cup is almost upon us! So excited to see the Rugby World Cup (the Webb Ellis Cup) today outside of our lovely Cathedral! Getting to see it and stand next to it was amazing. Probably a once in a lifetime opportunity to get up close and personal with the trophy. We weren’t allowed […]

Another gem revealed at Comic Con! As big fans of The Evil Dead movies, we cannot wait for this! The trailer looks brilliant, Bruce Campbell is as cool as he is funny and badass! Groovy!  

There was so much cool stuff showcased at Comic Con this year, Here is what excited us the most! 5) Fear The Walking Dead Anything to do with The Walking Dead gets the thumbs up from us, so this back story to the series has our attention……pretty much without even trying! 4) Batman vs Superman […]