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Category: Blog

Can a Digital Marketing Agency Add Value? Our business has been working with clients for over 6 years. Ranging in industry, location and the type of work required. Personally I go out and see businesses on a regular basis. To pitch our services and how we can change the direction of how a company may […]

Official Matchday Programme Design We have always wanted to create an official matchday programme for any sport. One of our many passions is football. We love to play it and watch it. Just recently we have worked an opportunity. To take this passion, cross it over with graphic design. Applying these to a club close […]

Speculative SEO Work Came across this found on Adweek. Originally published almost a year ago by Zulu Alpha Kilo. Still very relevant today and still very relevant to us in the design and digital marketing field. Some quotes that ring true came mostly from the personal trainer on the video: “We start providing our services from […]

Marketing your business is a journey, not a destination. We want to help you grow your business as we have ours. With our experience, knowledge and passion we’ll tell you what works. More importantly we’ll do it. Contact us today so we can start marketing your business!

Sponsorship is a great way to get your brand noticed. More importantly, it’s about being able to help out, in this case, an U14s girls football team. Check out their website, Facebook page or Twitter profile to see their progress!  

It isn’t that often that we brag about the optimisation services we provide. We tell many of our clients we try to avoid “egotistical” marketing as much as possible. However, every now and then the need is there to demonstrate some of our success. Our company is blessed to be working with a plethora of […]

We’re pretty excited to be venturing into something new – corporate sponsorship! As our business grows then we strive to do what we can, where we can, and becoming a part of the Luctonians family is a pretty big step for us. We love rugby, play for Lucs and now sponsor a team that we […]

How’d you like to learn about how to make your content marketing better and more engaging? We’ve put together this blog as a way for you to understand how to write and structure your very own really interesting and engaging perfect blog post. You won’t realise but we’ve researched how, why and what makes people […]

Circus Starr For the second year in a row The DM Lab have got involved with Circus Starr – ‘A Circus With A Purpose’. Allowing thousands of free seats for disadvantaged, troubled and vulnerable children. To see world-class, professional artists from across the globe perform. Make a difference today and help them make memories to restore their belief […]

#TopGunDay Because I was inverted. Because why not?

As you probably know, it’s May the 4th, we were shocked to hear that Senator Palpatine, the Galactic Emperor and the head of the Imperial Fleet have not considered there carbon footprint. The Senior Officer We got talking to a Senior Officer from the fleet, he was on leave from duty visiting his family. Turns […]

I think the Dark Side are marketing themselves all wrong. They’re not bad guys, I mean they look really cool, but the direction they chose is frowned upon a little. I mean blowing up entire planets, that’s not going to do your image any good now is it? This is the same as black hat […]

As a design and digital marketing agency we offer a range of services all under one roof. Using a marketing agency means you have a developer, marketer, designer and copywriter at your disposal. All the while paying a set retainer fee means anything you need we cater for. No need to spend time yourself outsourcing […]

We’ve been around a while, we know a lot of people and a lot of people know us. If you needed persuading that we’re OK guys and we know what we’re doing then hopefully our Facebook verification will sway your opinion! Check us out here and drop us a like. If you’re a page we’ll promptly […]

Our goal as a business is help promote your business. Ever heard of Micro-Moments? If you sell a product then you definitely should and we urge you to read on! It’s difficult as we don’t offer a product – it’s a service. It’s often difficult to pay for something you don’t hold, but what we […]

Christmas is fast approaching, it’s getting colder, it’s getting darker – but how’s business? If your SEO, AdWords campaign, email marketing or social media presence could do with a little injection of science from us here at The DM Lab, then now is the time to get in touch. Hopefully your summer has resulted in […]

Today’s next generation consoles are able to offer an almost real driving simulation. Revolutionised by the original Gran Turismo which back in its day on the PlayStation offered the player an incredible driving game experience. Since then we have newer versions of Gran Turismo, Need For Speed and Forza which, apart from getting in an […]

When you go home, tell them of us and say, For their tomorrow, we gave our today.

Sad news about Gunnar Hansen the man who played the creepy, maniacal ‘Leatherface’ in the cult classic, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. RIP

We love great marketing – and it’s that time of year when the creative marketing geniuses at John Lewis get us geared toward Christmas. Take a look at the brand new advert. We love it! #manonthemoon #JohnLewis

Remember, remember the fifth of November, Gunpowder treason and plot. We see no reason Why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot! Guy Fawkes, guy, t’was his intent To blow up king and parliament. Three score barrels were laid below To prove old England’s overthrow. By god’s mercy he was catch’d With a darkened lantern and […]

Movember – the hairiest month of the year is here! Is your moustache doing its bit raising funds for men’s health? Get involved: Grow your moustache Start clean shaven on November 1st. Grow and groom your moustache for 30 days. Raise funds and awareness for men’s health. Which Mo best suits Mason? Help men live happier, […]

Wishing everyone a safe and fun Halloween. If you see any of these tonight……RUN!