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Category: Blog

Happy Friday everyone, hope you have a great weekend too from us here at The DM Lab

We know, we know, it’s only October – are you mad?! Well……No. Did you know Christmas is only 10 weeks away, 2015 11 weeks away? Scary thought! Start preparing for the Christmas and New Year slump by contacting us today to see how we can help you hit the ground running in 2015. Agreed, it […]

Hopefully you’ve come across Mason at some point when you see anything to do with us. He’s cool, he’s cute and most importantly, he’s at the front of social media and email campaigns. What’s the reason behind this? Well, he’s omnipresent, he’s recognizable and he will become familiar. When you think of The DM Lab, […]

It’s an interesting question! 100 years ago design was very crude. No disrespect is meant or intended, but it wasn’t up to much. It was what is was. If you saw a design from 1914, you’d instantly realise it was from the early 1900s. Today, design is so diverse. Minimal, grunge, colourful and monochromatic to […]

So, The Walking Dead is back tonight! We are massive fans here at the Lab and we were thinking – what if there was a zombie outbreak here in the UK? What would happen? How long would YOU last? Here’s our guess at how things would go down should that happen. Secretly, we all want […]

As a digital marketing agency our clients pay us to develop their online presence and keep them active and engaging on social media to name a few. We love doing this. We would OVE to do this for ourselves – but our dedicated team are so engrossed in the day to day duties of marketing […]

Mason’s brought his – have you brought your teddy to work too?

Society expects business people and sales people alike. True though isn’t it?! Suited, booted, clean shaven and tidy hair. Quite often this masks your real identity and your real personality. Pretending to be someone you are not in order to sell a product or service. Quite often you buy into the person first. This person […]

Never need an excuse to eat Mexican food – but since today is Taco Day we’re having pulled pork tacos, burritos and nachos!

Got a website that isn’t doing much? Then you need to get in touch! We have the tools and we know the chemistry, To enhance your online visibility. Here at the Lab we have everything you need, To increase your sales and increase your leads! We’ll stop now because this poem is bad, To find […]

We’ve gone pink to show our support for breast cancer awareness!

In a bid to secure some potentially huge work, we opted to develop a project without agreeing a cost or contract or indeed clients’ approval to go ahead with any work whatsoever. Instead we worked on the basis that the end product was something a potential client needed and therefore being able to generate a […]

Content is King! We’ve all seen and done it – produced a design content mock up for a client. Populated it with dummy text and images. Client loves it, sends over their pictures and content. Sadly that’s often where things go wrong. Design vs Content – Content vs Design You’ve no doubt experienced it. You […]

Ahoy lubbers! Avast! Well blow me down, it’s Talk Like A Pirate Day……AND it’s Friday! Enjoy your weekend and enjoy your grog! C’mon, lad, shiver me timbers!

We are having a nostalgic day at the Lab today as it’s ‘Video Game Day’, and that’sthe inspiration for this blog! We were reminiscing about back in the day when we didn’t have the amazing PS4 and Xbox One, but we had humble consoles with cartridges and / or tapes. Yes, we’re talking about the […]

Have you got involved? We have! Even Mason is getting in on the fun! A great way of raising awareness about motor neurone disease. Here’s a link to have a look at if you haven’t already. Don’t forget to donate!

We are happy to say that The DM Lab is now officially ISO 9001 : 2008!

We are happy to say that The DM Lab is now a registered trademark.

The DM Lab have developed a digital marketing measurement and project management model. Inspired by the Avinash Kaushik measurement strategy. We have combined both the Race and ABO digital models to give a holistic approach to strategies both company and client side.

Why Rebrand? The Past McTip IT (now Digital Marketing Lab) started 4 years ago. It was set up originally to be an IT solutions company. Focusing on PC repair, custom built systems, setting up networks and information security. Web design was also a fundamental part of this. With the local market saturated with already prominent web […]

A quick video produced to demonstrate how easy it is to get a simple message across to people through video marketing. Chris from McTip IT has his 15 seconds of fame in this video, not bad, not quite Brad Pitt. Let us know your thoughts! If you would like a video like this produced, promoting […]

  The DM Lab is a UKFAST Partner Offering Premium Hosting Services We are very pleased to announce that we have become UKFast Partners. As our existing clients will tell you our hosting is second to none. This has primarily been down the hardwork UKfast put in with our servers. Previous to joining UKFast we […]

We’d like to introduce Maison, this is our new marketing video demonstrating how we could help your business grow make the most of every opportunity. If you would like further information please call us on 0800 0276 431

For those of us in the know, the term ‘content strategy’ is no stranger to us. We’ve been using it to devise an effective marketing content strategy for years. However, now, it’s become popular with online businesses big and small. Word has spread about how a great content can increase conversions and make your visitors […]