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Category: Blog

Semantic Web: The Beginnings The web’s success is mainly due to its decentralised design. Web pages are hosted by multiple computers and are linked to other documents. These are either stored on the same or different computers. This design has made the World Wide Web the greatest repository of information ever assembled by man. The […]

Both directors at McTip IT are proud to announce that we both took part in the Hereford half marathon in aid of St. Michael’s Hospice. We both donated and ran respectable times for first timers. We both sported our company logo on the shirts of a new local football team, Bullinghope FC , which we […]

The world is made up of a many wonderful and varied things. Different colours, different shapes, different uses, each individual, each unique. To be able to function in the world as we know, humans have the ability to group and categorise things. If we had to deal with things one by one it would cause […]

“Why a Babel of computer languages?” The history of programming languages is very interesting. The following post discusses the evolution of programming and why there have been paradigm shifts in languages over time. Electronic computers were introduced in the late 1930’s. When the Von Neumann Architecture was introduced computers were able to store instructions. The […]

Video Games Get A  Bad Rep It seems that today, children and youngsters are being discouraged from playing video games. If they are not being blamed for obesity epidemics; they are being the scapegoats for anti social behavioral influences. Try opening your eyes, and seeing that a wealth of creativity awaits those who look beyond […]

Artificial Intelligence The history of Artificial Intelligence is an interesting topic. Many consider it to be a new technology. In fact the roots of the field date back to Aristotle. Although Aristotle introduced many concepts related to modern computer science. The one that directly affects AI was Aristotle’s epistemology or science of knowing. He believed […]

Design Work-flow We thought we’d write a blog about how we produce some of our work. The only reason we thought we’d do this is not to show off, but because our design work-flow may differ to most! Although we work very similar to others, using a Photoshop .PSD file to create a sliced image […]

  The DM Lab’s ‘Online Advert’ Single Page Websites. If you own a business, and can’t justify spending a mass of cash on a website you don’t think will be beneficial to your business. How about getting in touch with McTip IT and finding out more about our ‘online advertisement’ packages. Put simply, rather than […]

A Dying Art? Following on from our previous blog on digital art got me thinking. With advances in software capabilities, technology and requirements. Will this put an end to all traditional art forms, like sculpting and painting? Everyone wants bigger and better. Artforms differ in context. From what was an artform and what now is a […]

Web design and development is certainly a skill. Today’s curriculum is very much focused on traditional subjects. Like geography, biology, maths and English, which are fundamental, without a doubt. However, in today’s world, information technology has developed in both functionality and accessibility. Even within the last 10 years.  In 1990 Tim Berners-Lee developed the World […]

  Traditional Art Leads to Digital Art? Digital Art has the same beginnings for everyone. I started creating artwork with a humble pencil and paper Developing onto watercolours and acrylic paint.Culminating in what I consider the most accomplished form of traditional art, oil painting. Technology and software continued to develop. I found myself creating art […]

A new year’s resolution? Do you and / or your business’s have a new year’s resolution? Is it to take your advertising or corporate image to the next level? We can and want, to help! A new year means a fresh start, so why not consider our services? We offer dynamic design capabilities, whether you […]

Our marketing strategy to date has been slow, but in no way laborious! Your marketing strategy is more important than making money. Without it, you won’t make any! The reason for this is we began trading with a small client base of referrals from one another. This proved invaluable. We didn’t need not worry about […]

Can having a website help boost visibility for small businesses? Yes, without a doubt. It’s like having an advert available to anyone and everyone. Accessible to anyone anywhere! The way we promote this is that although, initially, a website costs more than an ad in a local paper. That’s all the paper is – local. […]

Google instant is like predictive text on a mobile phone – ANNOYING!! Only you know what you are typing and searching for. To be second guessed by a machine is distracting and unbeneficial. I would hope that Google understands that time and effort goes into blogging. In order to promote oneself or one’s business to […]

  Can a Graphic Designer be a Web Developer? I personally think you can’t be both great at graphic design AND be a great Web Developer. That’s just because I cant! My method of graphic design is quite ‘flittish’. Where as the mind of my co-director is regimented and systematic. The mind of a good […]

Design Tools of the Trade Digital artwork requires design, creativity, imagination, direction and a relatively decent PC or Mac. I prefer, and always have since my time at university, a PC. It was a bit cheaper for a start! That’s all you would ever need to become a successful designer. Traditional methods of design and […]