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Category: Blog

The DM Lab Digital Marketing Iceberg How original. An analogy about how what we do (digital marketing) and how it can be likened to an iceberg. A digital marketing iceberg. How? Because much of what we do goes unseen. Ah, so you do nothing and this post is justifying it?! Nah. As there is no […]

Question – what makes a good digital marketer a great digital marketer The difference between a good digital marketer and a great digital marketer is… A couple of hours! That’s our take on Search Engine Journal‘s latest poll on Twitter anyway! It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want To Be – […]

We’ve committed to the Wye Valley Challenge! The Wye Valley Challenge is a 100km walk / jog / run from Chepstow to Hereford. The DM Lab team aren’t strangers to events. Whether they be running, cycling, swimming or canoeing. Over Christmas last year we set our team goals, aside from our important business goals. We […]

What Does it Take to be A Credible Digital Marketer? We see people banding around ‘Digital Marketer’ as a profession all too often. What does it actually take to be deemed as a credible digital marketer? Dabbling with a business’ social media account makes me a digital marketer, right? I wrote a blog therefore I’m […]

After an incredible 2017, we’re looking to give something back on MicroBizMattersDay. So, today, on MicroBizMattersDay we’re rolling out loads of useful tips. Tips on how to market your micro business. We’ll be sharing useful information on both our Twitter and Facebook platforms. Be sure to check out both and we hope there’s at least […]

Have you discovered the new Facebook Story on your business page? On the Facebook Pages now there’s a cool new feature for your Business’ Facebook Story. If you haven’t, this is what we’re talking about… Discovering this for the first time? Navigate to your page, click the ‘About’ menu item and on a desktop it […]

From a business point of view we did not want 2017 to end. The year seemed to get better and better for us! After picking up 2 awards and numerous other accreditations it was a brilliant year. The challenge now is making 2018 even better! January is always a tough month mentally. After the Christmas […]

2017 has been a great year. Christmas is almost upon us! You’ve probably seen our successes. However it wasn’t always plain sailing. You’ve seen the reward but not the effort that went into achieving what we have. The reason we are in business and doing what we do is thanks to you, our clients and […]

Five ways to make your digital marketing budget go further As any experienced marketer will tell you, digital marketing can be a time and money pit. But only if you aren’t careful. There is always more you could be doing. New channels to try and new audiences to reach. It’s easy for your digital marketing […] are an online print company that we love! Not sure what deems a big deal, but being featured on’s ‘Friday’s Favourites‘ blog as one! Our corporate Christmas card design got featured on’s blog! It was included in their ‘Friday’s Favourites’ which was pretty cool. We use quite regularly now, recently becoming […]

Social Media Marketing – Is Yours Working? How Do You Know? Social media marketing is one of the trickiest areas in which to prove return on investment. Whether you’re investing money into paid social ads or simply putting a lot of hours into your campaigns. You need to be able to demonstrate that what you’re […]

Our Christmas Jumper Day has taken a new direction… Creative Director Dale’s son Nate (aged 7 and a half) is keen to get involved in Christmas Jumper Day. He’s a good lad, he knows there are kids in need around the world. He’s seen the adverts that pop up on TV. He was so excited when […]

2017 has been our best year to date! This applies to business growth, financial growth and achievements in 2017. Although we’re going to be sad to see the year end, we’re excited to see what 2018 brings. January January is always a difficult month. Like the Monday of months! Post-Christmas blues, the only good thing […]

Christmas Jumper Day 2017 – there’s nothing better than having a bit of fun for a great cause! Which is why we’ve signed up for Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day 2017. It is on Friday the 15th December. A couple of weeks away yet but we’re seeing if we can raise a quid or […]

We have had a very busy Small Business Saturday! We really do hope we’ve offered any small Business SEO tips and tools plus some insights into marketing yourself online. As always if it seems too complicated or daunting, it’s what we do. So drop us a line! We compiled loads of awesome tips and tools […]

Small Business Saturday Today on Small Business Saturday we won’t be hard selling our services. We do brilliant marketing. Simple. Now enough of doing what we said we weren’t going to do!   We’ll be offering up as much information as we can to other small business over on Twitter. Links to tools and techniques […]

Why Work With an Agency Like Ours? Have you enjoyed #MicroBizMattersDay? We have! Although we don’t have a product to sell, we have a service. That’s what we’re shouting about in this blog. What we as a digital marketing agency can offer you. Value For Money We’ve already written a comprehensive blog about the value […]

Come out in support and wear Rainbow Laces. Life happens to everyone. We’re all different, but let’s just get along and get on! It’s the 21st Century so opinions, orientations and business happens. We are all as individual as each other so let’s accept it and move on. We play sports, including football and rugby. […]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.Pellentesque eget ornare orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse eu euismod purus, nec eleifend ex. Suspendisse nisl nisl, venenatis vel ipsum a, dignissim facilisis lacus. Fusce varius placerat arcu vitae maximus. Aenean eget turpis eu odio ultricies facilisis eu […]

How to optimise your blogs using the Yoast SEO Plugin

Christmas Lego Giveaway – Our Final Competition of the Year! We like to think that we run a decent competition. As we have said before anything that we personally have an interest in, we have a giveaway! That way we can put together a prize that even we find it hard to give away! This […]

How Long Does SEO Take? This is a question we always get asked. When justifying it, often sounds like we’re trying to make a quick quid or two. It was refreshing to see that Search Engine Journal asked the same question. With 876 votes pointing generally to what we often point out to new clients. […]

Sponsorship in the Community As we have grown as a business, financially and in stature, we have been actively able to put sponsorship funds into various sports clubs in and around Hereford. We are currently involved in sponsoring Luctonians Sports Club, Greyhound RFC, Belmont Wanderers FC and Ledbury RFC. It’s great for us as it […]

Last night saw the Sunshine Pride Awards enjoy it’s third year. Wow! What a great end to the year we’re having! Last month we won the Herefordshire Business Award for ‘Growing Business of the Year’. This month? Well, to our surprise, we were awarded the accolade of ‘Entrepreneur / Business of the Year’ at the Sunshine […]

Stand up to Cancer’s #GameOn We are looking forward to Call of Duty WWII. We love it when organisations put the ‘fun’ in fundraising. This one is no different! We’re taking a day off work and are planning a gaming marathon on November 3rd for the release of Call of Duty WWII. Trying to avoid […]