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Category: Blog

The Walking Dead Returns! The Walking Dead returned at 9:00pm last night, and it was awesome! The show has gotten a fair bit of stick recently but as fans of the comics and the show since it first aired (on Channel 5 we recall many moons ago!) we’re still enjoying it! Also intrigued, as fans […]

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and today in particular we have really got involved! Sponsoring the one-off pink matchday shirts Luctonians wore and auctioned in aid of Breast Cancer Awareness and Breast Cancer Haven Hereford was a great fundraiser that we had the privilege of supporting. But we wanted to do something ourselves instead […]

Three Best Rated We are now listed as one of the Top 3 Marketing agencies in Hereford on Three Best Rated! Quote from the Three Best Rated, “Three Best Rated would like to thank you for providing consistent high quality in your area of business. Our review team either approved or updated your business listing […]

Pink Shirt Day Behind every great man is a woman. No more so than here at The Lab! Which is exactly why we’re doing what we can for Breast Cancer Awareness We are getting involved in Breast Cancer Awareness month in 2 ways this year, firstly we sponsored Luctonians’ one-off pink shirts for their game […]

Friday the 13th As huge fans of the horror genre here at The Lab, we could not resist a little giveaway. Since today also coincides with the release of the new Friday the 13th Game, it would be rude not to indulge! As massive fans of the franchise, we’re looking forward to the game. There’s […]

Chris has been nominated for the Sunshine Pride Award of Entrepreneur / Business of the Year & is one of the three finalists! The Sunshine Pride Award ceremony is in its third year now. For those of you who don’t know him, he works tirelessly both in & outside of work. He is involved with  […]

Herefordshire Business Awards 2017 Things have been going really well recently here at The DM Lab. Wow! Herefordshire Business Awards! What an achievement for us to be a part of! Back in the summer we began looking to relocate to a new premises at Rotherwas. We also began recruiting but we are yet to find […]

Terms & Conditions for The DM Lab’s Competitions & Giveaways: Closing date for our competition stated on the appropriate channel. A winner / winners will be selected at random. The prize is as described on the appropriate channel. Entrants have to be 18 years of age or older. Entrants must be UK residents. The promotion […]

We are really pleased & grateful to have been chosen as a finalist in the first Herefordshire Business Awards! Massively excited to have even been nominated for the Herefordshire Business Awards 2017 in the first place. To reach this is some achievement for us! We’re really happy to have been recognised for the work we do […]

Happy Roald Dahl Day! You may have noticed a theme with our little competitions and giveaways – we base them on things that we love. Today’s is no different! We grew up with the Roald Dahl books at primary school. George’s Marvellous Medicine, Fantastic Mr Fox, The Twits, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, Matilda, James […]

Video Games Day 2017 One of our favourite days of the year is Video Games Day! We are massive gamers here at The Lab. Unfortunately we can’t spend as much time as we’d like to playing. Like we did when we were younger. You know, pulling all nighters and hanging the next day. Whether it’s […]

Bring Your Marketing Back to Life! It’s International Frankenstein Day, so we’ve naturally put a marketing spin on in in a light-hearted, creative way! “Nothing is more painful to the human mind than, after the feelings have been worked up by a quick succession of events, the dead calmness of inaction and certainty which follows […]

The DM Lab is a digital marketing agency that has been established for over 7 years The DM Lab consists of a small but dedicated and passionate team. Although a small agency, we have had a very big impact. Working with clients from all over the world, Spain, Denmark, France, Germany and of course the […]

Would you believe it, today is National Burger Day! Are you are a fan of burgers, whether gourmet, home made or fast food fixes? We have something that you may like on this National Burger Day! In Hereford, we are blessed with a number of independent burger outlets. Yes we lack a Burger King but […]

5 Animated Movies You Must See! We love animation. We watch a lot of cartoons and Animated movies, not just mainstream ones although we do love a good Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks flick. Also, with both of us having a young family, more often than not, there’s an Animated movie on TV! However we always […]

Although not a new thing for us, we have re-established our Google Partners status. Only reason we have re-acquired the coveted Google Partners badge is because the clients we took on focused on other marketing avenues and this kept us busy. As we took on more clients and others dropped off we had fewer focused […]

The DM Lab – A Digital Marketing Agency Hi and thanks for stopping by to find out more about The DM Lab. We’re a Digital Marketing Agency based here in Hereford. We wanted to let you know what we’re all about and what we can offer. There’s no hard sale here, instead here is a […]

Digital marketing has been something our agency started working with over 7 years ago. Quickly realising that so many companies were having websites developed but had no idea on the best route to market. Not knowing the best way to get those all important leads or sales. This is where we could see how multi-channel marketing […]

Wow! Game of Thrones was back with a bang! This season is going to be blinding if it moves as fast as it looks like it’s going to! We’re massive fans of Game of Thrones here at the Lab. So we hope we’ve compiled an equally as cool stash to giveaway to you guys. We […]

Lads, fancy a Cheeky Nando’s at the weekend? So it turns out American’s don’t know what a cheeky Nando’s is. To be honest, wouldn’t you expect some confusion? If you went to America and everyone started talking about an ‘irreverent Taco Bell’ you’d probably be a little puzzled. There are 2 reasons people have gone […]

We’re hiring! This is a role for a part time Junior PHP developer. You must have experience developing content managed websites and web applications using PHP5, MySQL, HTML, JavaScript and CSS. You must have a keen interest in developing experience in a mobile apps which – which should you wish to cross train we will […]

It’s almost June – you know what that means…The British & Irish Lions 2017 Tour! Here we have everything you need to know so you won’t miss a fixture. They are all on Sky Sports – but don’t fret, if it’s too early to get down to a pub where they’re showing the games live, […]

The Layers of the Semantic Web A Layered Architecture The development of the Semantic Web proceeds in layers. One above another. Allowing for a more standardised way of developing. As it is being built on existing technology it allows developers to roll out parts of technology and implementing them. Without realising the full capabilities of […]

Today, we are shamelessly indulging our geeky side and getting involved in Star Wars Day! Two of our favourite things are Lego and Star Wars…So, what better than to hold a Lego Star Wars Competition?! Mason is dressing up as various characters from the franchise, old and new plus we are running 2 awesome competitions on […]

Alien Day 2017 One of our favourite movie franchises and one of the best movie monsters is that of Alien. The Xenomorph, created by  H. R. Giger, is as mean as it is cool. We’re buzzing for Alien: Covenant next month so we thought we go nuts on Alien Day this year! Incase you have no […]