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Category: Blog

You may or may not already know we have a love for the weird and macabre. Anything obscure gets our attention, especially if it has zombies in it! As avid gamers too, we are super excited about the release of Dying Light. What the heck is Dying Light I hear you say?! Well, put simply, […]

As you probably know by now if you’ve met us, one of our other passions besides design & digital marketing is fitness and nutrition. We went on the ketogenic diet back in February 2013 and since then we’ve changed our eating habits to limit carbs and eliminate sugar completely from our diet. This has been […]

As we’ve already blogged about how our brand came about, we’ll talk a little about how we make it interesting. As it is a brand developed with a quirky passion and message, it gives us a lot of scope to make it interesting from our point of view and hopefully interesting for you guys too. […]

When we first started in 2009, we advertised in local papers, did some networking but there were a couple of other, more established local businesses doing what we do. We stuck at it but we don’t know if potential clients saw us as ‘unexperienced’, ‘unproven’ and as a result wanted to play it safe with […]

Having a website used to mean having a live advert for your business available to anyone at anytime. Anyone at anytime at a computer that is. Now it is literally anyone at anytime anywhere with the addition of mobile technology. You’ll no doubt find yourself browsing the web more than likely on your mobile phone […]

As it’s learn your name in Morse Code day, we thought we’d learn how to do The DM Lab & Mason really wanted to see what his name is like in Morse Code. Here they are: The DM Lab – …. . / -.. — / .-.. .- -… Mason — .- … — -. […]

Today is #MicroBizMattersDay, as we only have a handful of employees (3 in fact!) we’re taking part. If you’re not familiar with #MicroBizMattersDay, have a look at their website here and get involved! If you’re local to us, Hereford & Worcester Chamber of Commerce are encouraging members to take part in #MicroBizMattersDay and to support other […]

Just for fun, Mason’s put on his Argyle sweater to celebrate Argyle Day! A good look?

Just recently, we have been fortunate enough to collaborate with a design company based in Cardiff – Curzon Creative – working on a brand new set of product brochures for Catnic. This involved working closely with the client and the design team at Curzon to produce 3D illustrations and product images. It was a really good […]

Hello and welcome to 2015! Thought we’d kick off the week back with a good question – is using one of The DM Lab’s services alone worthless? If you land on our homepage, you will see we have different buttons for different services: Social Media Email Marketing SEO Analytics Adwords Training Inbound Marketing. Every single […]

Welcome to the second day of 2015! Here’s a great motivational quote from Albert Einstein that applies to us in digital marketing, “You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else”

As this is the last blog of 2014…… We’ve found it! Scroll down!                                   Unfortunately, no, we haven’t. If you do, please let us know! However, the secret of our success is a direct reflection of web traffic and […]

The Apprentice is a good watch for anyone. For anyone running a business, it’s insighful and inspirational. Why? Some actions taken decisions made and things said have repucussions and impacts whether they are positive or negative waits to be seen. It’s this that we learn from and refine in our own way to make ourselves […]

As we are small, we have a close relationship with our customers so our payment terms are pretty flexible. This is often our un-doing as we allow payments to be delayed which is great for our customers as they may be in a difficult situation, but then the repercussions on us is massive. We then […]

Have a great day tomorrow and a fantastic New Year. See you in 2015!  

Some people are born with charisma, a killer personality and in turn become really likable. Take our Marketing Director Chris. Everyone who’s ever interacted with him just ends up loving him! He’s a real people person, and he is great for taking an online relationship (or telephone relationship) offline. He’s the front man for The […]

We have worked hard to get where we are today. We funded the startup completely by ourselves, not asking for a penny off anyone for help. We are beginning to reap the rewards of this continued hard work which has not come easy. We are very cautious of anyone wanting to take a piece of […]

We wish you all a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. We also want to thank everyone that has supported our little business this past year too. Keep spreading the word! Have a great Christmas and we’ll see you next year!

The right font, and a good font, is key to any good design. It needs to suit the design, compliment the theme of the design and also be legible. Festive designs often steer toward an old English, rustic look, where as sweets are often bold and bright. There’s no point in trying to be something […]

Is it necessary to be on page 1 of Google? Let’s face it. If you’re on page 1 of Google for whatever you do, then you’re either super lucky or are at legendary status in digital marketing and SEO. Question is, is it the be all and end all to be on the first page of […]

Take a break, put your feet up and relax with our Christmas & New Year Business Survival Guide The Christmas holidays are supposed to be a break from everything. Spending time with the family and enjoy the festive period without worrying about work. However, if you run a business, you know that you just can’t […]

Digital marketing is a bit like the wheel. It already exists, you can’t reinvent it, you can’t really make it better – but you CAN use it for a number a things. This is like digital marketing because everyone has ways of using it, they just differ slightly. A professional digital marketer will be able […]

Tricky one! We’ve all heard somewhere along the lines some really poor advice someone has given, but we cannot put our finger on a single piece of bad advice. One particular project does spring to mind where a client asked specifically for a minimal design. ‘Simplicity is key’ were their words. We produced as creative […]

We have come across all sorts of people approaching us to ‘collaborate’ or ‘help’ us here at the Lab. Some with good intentions, some with shady intentions. We’re savvy enough to see who is genuine and who isn’t. Waaaaaay back when we were still a new business, we had some tweets from a chap in […]

We don’t consider ourselves to be a fully established business yet. Yes, we’ve been going for a little over 5 years now but we’re still growing and without a doubt still learning. Since rebranding, we have made this new ‘brand awareness’ a top priority. We haven’t got anything to hide, we haven’t changed identity to […]